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4 Week Push Pull Program
Episode 16: Light Isolation Pull Day

Push Pull Week 3 Day 2
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Light Isolation Pull
1️⃣Machine high pulldown machine 4x15
2️⃣Step jump for 30 seconds between reps
3️⃣Shrug machine 4x15
4️⃣Battle ropes for 30 seconds between sets
5️⃣Biceps cable curls superset with decline barbell curls 4x15/10
6️⃣Burpees for 30 seconds between sets
7️⃣Ham/glute raise superset with Ab rollouts 4x15/failure
20 minutes HIIT Cardio (4 minute jog, 30-60 second sprint and repeat 4 times)
🎥: Andrew Clark
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